„Želim samo ove dve stvari: da, umirući, ostavim rimski narod slobodan, a od ovoga mislim, bogovi, ne mogu dati ništa veće; drugo, da svako prođe u skladu sa zaslugama koje je stekao za državu.” Cic. Phil . 2. 119 Marko Tulije Ciceron (Marcus Tullius Cicero) rođen je 3. januara 106. godine p.n.e. u Arpinu, u dolini reke Liris,...
(Prevod teksta "Evropska godina kulturnog nasleđa", koji se, između ostalog, bavi i kulturnim nasleđem Podunavskih Švaba, na engleski jezik.) The European Year of Cultural Heritage The year of 2018 is a symbol of culture and cultural heritage in Europe. Namely, the European Commission declared the current year to be The European Year of Cultural Heritage under the slogan "Our Heritage: Where the Past Meets the Future". This has started up a series of events, initiatives and activities across the old continent aimed at bringing cultural heritage closer to the citizens, raising awareness of the importance of cultural heritage for society, fostering exchanges, enhancing knowledge of the rich European heritage, and strengthening the sense of belonging to a common European cultural space. Even the general theme of the manifestation "The European Heritage Days 2018" on the level of the whole Europe is "The European Year of Cultural Heritage - Art o...